Thursday, March 11, 2010

Third Time Really Is a Charm

Ahh, the early bird definitely didn't get stuck with the grody worm today!

Yesterday afternoon I was nailed with a nasty migraine (still not there on prevention - I have another theory that I'm sure will get me lots of mileage...more later) which I tried not to medicate.  It grew into the horrible, stinky, awful, nasty, wretched monster with the teeth and claws that reminded me of just why I medicate, so I took a shot of Imitrex, which made me useless.  I swear those shots hit me harder now that I'm taking 1/4 of my past dosage of Topamax. 

Not being willing to run any less than three times this week, but hoping for a count of four (oh, yep, look there, it seems I just confessed that goal to you), and knowing I have back-to-back classes after work tonight, I figured I should go for an early morning run.  Not fully convinced of this, I asked p.j. what time he would be leaving for work in the morning. He replied, "Five-thirty."  Oy.  Well it would surely give me enough time for a run before shower-time.  So I took the plunge and asked him to awaken me in the morning when he got up; that meant getting up at 5 a.m.

At getting-up-time, I asked p.j. to give me 15 more minutes. Dangerous move. He came in again after the 15 and I rolled out of bed, away from that singularly unpleasant dream I was having.  Whose brain created that?  Anyway, I spent some time confusedly pacing the downstairs looking for some of my gear, but I eventually got it worked out.  I got in the Jeep with p.j. and started the drive to work with him; it was a fun little drive.  However, I had him drop me off on the other side of town, where I kicked on the Nike+ and ran back home. And boy did it feel wonderful!  I had my 30 minutes, but this time I ran 2.85 miles.  I guess the bump in distance was due to the "back to the barn" thing.

Just as I arrived at the house, a.h. could be heard hitting the snooze button upstairs. I had beaten him! Until lately, we've had endless hot water, even when both showers are going at once.  Recently though, my showers have taken a turn for the cold at the end, after a.h. has been in his shower for 45 minutes or so.  I know.  But this time I got in way before he did, so I had plenty of hot water. I wonder if he did? 

The plan is to keep my runs at 30 minutes for - I don't know - a long time probably.  Long enough to be firmly established.  I will probably indulge in longer weekend runs, but these short little runs fit nicely into my schedule and leave plenty of heart to long for the next time.  In the past, I have always felt the need to constantly increase my distances.  The longer distances got in the way of the rest of my schedule and took up time I didn't have, which made me feel...kind of frantic or out of control or something.  Being quite competitive by nature, and of course being competitive against myself, it takes the pressure off to know I am just running for 30 minutes.  I get to relax and enjoy it.  I like it.

I feel that my motivation is building and I have some momentum: Motivatimentum.  However, I will do my utmost not to rely on it prematurely, as this glorious and most excellent 3rd outing in no way qualifies running as a habit formed yet.  My goal is yet to be intentional, taking nothing for granted.  Although I sure am loving what I have been granted.