Monday, March 8, 2010


I did it.  I ran!

Friday I emailed my friend and told her I was planning a morning run. I also told my husband.  And, of course, I told you.  Friday I planned out Saturday's schedule, set my alarm (yes, a weekend alarm) and watched my bedtime.  I also gathered up my running gear and put it all in one stack in my closet so I wouldn't have to think in the morning.

Saturday, I obeyed my alarm. I awoke pretty excited, actually.  I got dressed, didn't eat (oh well), didn't drink (oops), and hit the road for a lovely first run.  I stuck to 30 minutes so as to leave excitement for the next run and to take it easy on the ole body, and it was great.  The first half, I was unstoppable.  The second half, I was flagging, but presence of mind caused me to straighten up, mind my form and breathing and remember than I could start walking whenever it pleased me.  The form reminder was all I needed to freshen up, and it didn't please me to walk so I didn't.  I got to wear my new jacket (what a fantastic jacket!) and pants, as it was too cold for the skirts.  I remembered gloves but forgot a hat, so all was quite comfy except for my poor ears, which were quite painful. I ran 2.6 miles.  I am happy to be alive with working limbs.

Sunday I reverted to the passive running plan, wherein I told nobody and neither did I actually plan a time for it.  I was sure I would "get around to it", but - long story short - I did not.  This morning I passively hoped to get up for a run. I again told nobody about my plan, didn't get to bed in time last night and didn't set my alarm for the proper time.

  1. Poor planning or no planning = no execution!
  2. Scheduling, preparation and accountability seem to be excellent things in the viability of a run.
I have another passive running plan, but we can see those kinds of "plans" go right in the can. In order to reach my goal of consistent running, I believe I must run today.  Therefore...[I feel fear mounting - what the heck?]...I must say to you now that I am planning a run tonight, and I must actually plan it.

So how are you?  I am planning to run tonight after work. (Check)

And now, after work the first thing on my list is a run.  (Check)

I've found another lame excuse that knocks my runs to "more convenient" places in my schedule, which means it knocks them right out:  The Post Run Shower.  I have felt that showers must take place either first thing in the morning, as part of the morning readying ritual, or last thing at night, as part of the going to bed process.  Let me actualize, right here, what a stupid excuse this is! Why can't I take a shower in the middle of the day, in the middle of the evening, or at any other time?  If I end up having to go somewhere, I can simply do low maintenance preparations -oh yes, yes I can!  Shower Excuse, you've just been KOed.

Tonight I plan to run.