Monday, March 15, 2010

Building Success Upon Success

I would like to report a successful natural migraine squelching on Thursday!  This migraine had several hours to settle in so I thought I was done for.  However, I held off on the Imi shot (was driving, and apparently I shouldn't drive when doped up), had a debit card debacle while trying to get Taco Hell (I know, but my choices on the fly were slim), called and got the problem card fixed and went to Taco Time for veggie burrito & water, and headed straight to class for my back to back Bible studies.  I felt terrible when I got there, my fingernails were blue and I knew I would have to excuse myself soon to shoot up the Imi.  However, I prayed and relaxed and the migraine waves soon reversed, changing from intensifying to lessening waves.  Oh, the glory.  Never before have I been so far gone in a migraine and had it reverse without medication.  Thank You, Lord!

Saturday morning, I was readying to take my supplements and Topamax when I found I was going to have to cut another pill in 1/4s; that scant amount of extra time was all I needed to decide it was time.  Rather than cut the pill, I went off of Topamax completely.  I felt like a tight-rope walker without her balancing pole thingy, but a bit giddy and sort of thrilled.  So far, no more migraines.  At this point, I am having no more migraines than I was having on the Topamax recently, and many less migraines than I was having on Topamax in 2009.  I will maintain my current efforts, which are rather simple and easy, and move on to the perception-of-guilt-problem for further resolution.  What a journey; you will understand if you are or were a migraineur.

I am also thrilled to report two more runs!  Saturday, p.j. went with me for an alternating run/walk.  This is saying a bunch, since p.j. pretty much hates running.  It was very windy out, which made it difficult.  While I appreciate a difficult run, p.j. does not, so I'm not sure if/when I'll be able to get him out there with me again.  I had a ball with him though!  This morning p.j.'s work schedule was perfect for another on-the-way-to-work drop, so I hitched a ride to the other side of town again.  This run was also difficult.  I had Nike+ problems, as somehow it stalled two separate times, telling me that activity had stopped.  Stopped, my hiney!  I was still going, I tell twice I had to stop, take my Camelbak off (I am a horrendous hydrator unless I Camelbak), get my iPod out and restart the stinking thing.  Neither time had it reset the run, but both times it had to "find" my shoe chip thingy before resuming; the net result was less mileage reported than was the actual run.  Bummer.

Note that I made my 4/week goal last week, hurrah!  This week I am repeating last week's goal, but I will state it more succinctly this time (note that a week is Sun-Sat):
  • A Goal = Run 4 times this week
  • B Goal = Run 3 times this week

It's time I practice discipline in other areas as well.  For my health and safety, it is important that I drink water.  I get thirsty and want to drink water, but the filtered water is at the other end of our small building. Once again, lame excuse!  I have a Kerr 1 quart jar sitting here in front of me, which I will wrap up in my water goal.  I have calculated my water needs using three calculation methods found in a general Google search, the calculations yielding 2.85, 2.92 and 3.78 quarts :
  • A Goal = 3 quarts of water per day
  • B Goal = 2 quarts of water per day to get the habit started
I have gained weight.  Sure muscle is denser than fat, but I have more fat too.  I have been eating some terrible things lately, and I have been grazing and going back for 2nds when I am not hungry as well.  Topamax is known to suppress the appetite so perhaps I am experiencing the loss of this, but I refuse to be undone by becoming drugless.  Here are some points I will address regarding this:
  • Water consumption will help address this issue in multiple ways, click here for more information. 
  • Practice awareness and discipline in all eating and drinking.
  • Acknowledge that there's likely an issue at the heart of the mindless eating - I believe I am using it as a pain-killer (emotional eating).
  • Address the perception-of-guilt thing, which is likely a root of the eating and of the migraines. 
  • Pray for the Spirit to help me in all of these goals and make me able to treat my body as glorifies Him.
Most important is the prioritization of my relationship with God, through whom all things are possible and without whom all of these efforts will be in vain.
  • Schedule devotion time (prayer, Bible reading, meditation, listening, etc.) and make it every day.
These are a lot of goals at once, so I'll go easy on myself.  However, I'm on the way with running and with water consumption (my Kerr jar is already in use).  Appetite is under observation (I'm hungry).  My priority is scheduling and making my devotional time with The Creator.  I will state an immediate goal here, so as to be accountable to you.  Tonight NLT 8:00 I plan to sit down with God, Bible and prayer journal in hand, and see what He comes up with.  I'll let you know how it goes.