Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Win Some and Lose Some - Get Up & Get Going!

Happy St. Patty's Day!  I, being largely of Irish origin, am celebrating by wearing shades of brown & gold.  I did button a neon-green Post It into my jacket, though, so as to be officially "okay". 

Yesterday held a much tighter schedule than I had figured, and I didn't get to everything.  Never fear, j.p. dear, there were successes along with the not-so-much-successes, and we're still on that journey and not at the end of any road.  For someone like me, a huge part of this road is learning that its okay when goals aren't met and screw-ups happen.  Simply repent and move on toward those goals.

Success with the water!  I drank two full quarts from my Kerr, then drank another at dinner.  It's so much easier to drink water than I thought.  I also chugged three cups for taking supplements.  I swear, the more I drink the thirstier I get.  Some sources say to count all water intake, but some say not to count diuretics (coffee, tea, sodie pop, etc.) due to their water flushingness counteracting the benefit of intake.  So I'll not count those. 

I don't expect to be perfect on water intake, or on anything for that matter, but I do expect to keep these goals and work toward them so as to avoid wandering about, accomplishing nothing, and to boost my discipline and health levels in all goal areas.

I didn't have time for a run or for devotionals before or after core group last night, but since core group is a Bible study and since p.j. and I prayed in bed, I will count partial success in the spiritual growth.  I did spend time absorbing God's Word and talking to him, but left out the part where He and I sit alone.  Rather than regret that lost time, I plan to take advantage of today.  As tonight will likely be busy, I will pray during lunch (I eat at other times anyway, so I won't be distracted by chow).

Eating goal partially met yesterday, as I ate healthy and good food all day.  However, I had some candy (stupid candy jars around the office!) and excessive dessert.  So...forgive thyself, j.p., and think about today.  My recent penchant for sweets (I'm a salty gal) tells me that something is bugging me inside, and I need to explore it rather than medicate it with emotional eating.  Again, important to sit and listen to God.

I didn't run at either of my goal times. It became obvious there was no room in yesterday's schedule for it, so I said I would run in the morning.  I did get my running clothes washed, but it was so late that I was asleep well before they were ready for the dryer (ah, pesky loopholes! I said I would wash my clothes, but didn't say I'd dry them...).  Also, p.j. didn't have to be up until late this morning, so I didn't feel like getting up, even if the clothes had been dry.  I guess I'm treating him like a running partner, in a way, and am putting too much reliance on that.  I need to work on getting up and running in the morning, p.j. or no.  So many of my days allow no time for a half hour run and a quick shower, even, so its time I attack the dread early morning and use it to my scheduling benefit.  I believe I have copped to my bed addiction, but I have not addressed it further.  [Big Sigh...]  Now is clearly the time.

When I used to row on Crew in college, I got up at 4:30 every morning in order to be at the lake in time.  It was incredibly difficult to get up, but I LOVED busting my arse, sweating in the freezing cold of the still, quiet morning.  Discipline.  Time to pray to get up and accept no excuse for staying in bed.  Okay, so today I will pray for discipline and tomorrow I plan to get up and run early.  a.h. will be with us, so it will have to be half hour earlier than when he is not (I take him to school; he can't take the bus due to his dual locations).  Oy.  Okay, Lord help!  Help!  Oh, that was a little desperate.

I am also taking steps to be intentional in ministry, stopping with the excuses, and moving on in response to the call.  This coincides with all this praying, goal making and striving.  It has taken a looooong time, but I'm finally on that road.