Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I have wanted a running partner for so long.  Not so much for the companionship, although that's certainly a wonderful plus, but for accountability.  I've had a couple of running partners in the past, and we got each other out there each day.  We motivated each other.  Leaned on each other.  Pushed each other.  I have been wanting that since long before I actually started running again.

I live in a small town on the edge of a very large town, so you'd think I could find a partner.  None of my current friends are into running, though, or else they live too far away from me to be able to make it work regularly - I'm not looking for the once-a-week meeting, but I want that daily "let's go" partner.  I thought it would work to find someone in the very large town, as I work in that very large town every weekday.  However, I have afternoon/evening obligations 3 to 4 of the weekdays.  No matter, I couldn't find a running partner in the very large town anyway.  I still hold the hope, however, of finding a partner in my small town.  Someone who will cause me to relish the challenge of getting up early each morning, or stepping out of laziness late every evening.   Someone who likes to run the same kind of distances and is at about the same level.  A female, because it's not worth it to me to appear as though "something might be going on" with a man other than my husband.

I'm starting to think this person doesn't exist.  But I desperately want her to!  I look forward to meeting her and to meeting with her for a daily run.  Nope, I haven't given up.