Thursday, April 1, 2010

Of Course You Would Do It This Way!

Yesterday I met my mentee.  We had never emailed or talked on the phone before, and we knew virtually nothing about each other.  I must confess, it was a bit awkward.

However, it was beautiful.  She is warm, sharp, attentive, lovely, confident and gracious.  Who is mentoring whom?  I already knew I wasn't up to the task, but I go where God sends me, so He must know what He's doing (figure? ha!).

And can I say...I'll say it anyway.  When I mentioned running, her hands fluttered up and she got a spark in her eye.  She said she has been trying to get into a fitness habit, and has been praying to establish running or some such thing into her life but has been struggling.  Seriously.  I asked if she wanted to run together and she quickly replied, "Yes!"  She runs similar distances and times as do I.  We figured out that we can both run regularly in the early mornings, so it's a plan!  She put her hands up to her mouth, grinned big, and said, "Running buddy!"

What was I lamenting just yesterday?