- fatigue or drowsiness
- difficulty with concentration
- difficulty finding the right word (word retrieval)
- confusion
- dizziness
- unsteadiness
- a feeling of pins and needles, usually in the tips of the fingers and toes
- loss of appetite and weight loss
- nervousness
- depression
- difficulty with memory
Lessons for today:
- Have your doctor order regular blood labs on you. Keep tabs on what's going on inside your machine. When something is off, get 'er back on track.
- Stay informed on what you're swallowing. While this goes for absolutely everything, I'm specifically speaking of medications, supplements, foods and other substances you put in your mouth.
In response to Lesson 2, I am ready to taper off of my medication, as I will need to do so soon enough anyway. (I have already been given the "all clear" to handle this by my doc.) Simply stopping a medication due to its side effects will often not be a possibility, but knowing about it is half the battle. If I wouldn't/won't be able to cope with pain without the medication, at least being ultra aware that much of the way I feel might be attributed to the medication, I will be better able to draw that line between my identity and the effects of the drug. This will help me to work with what I have, not making better excuses (ha ha!), but accepting reality and doing my best despite it. However, as of this moment I am excited to taper off of Topamax and see how that works with my heightened Vitamin D levels. For more information, read here.
My usual dosage is 50 mg in the a.m. + 50 mg in the p.m. Tonight I will take 25 mg!