Thursday, February 18, 2010

Physical Inspiration in Multi-Form!

1) A recent regular blood lab result showed fantastic levels of everything - I am your star student - in all but Vitamin D, in which I am scarily deficient.  Now that I am in remedial Vit. D supplementing, I expect to get caught up and rid myself of muscle weakness (and other bad stuff) soon.  Soon.

2) I have somehow jumped directly from someone's fashion blog (I can't remember whose) to some exercise & fitness blogs.  Some very FUNNY fitness blogs which include the writers' foibles and difficulties.  They support the concepts I already have regarding the subject, so they feel like a strong and personable support system, and they have inspired me.  I don't know if they have inspired me enough to make a run or any other form of exercise happen, but...

3) With my REI giftcard from dear ole dad-in-law, I bought two fitness skirts (or maybe a skirt and a skort) and a jacket.  The skirts are arriving tomorrow and I am looking forward to wearing them, but that means a workout!  I also have a new pair of workout pants with the tags on...hmmm.

4) p.j. and I are heavily discussing parenthood this year, and I do NOT want that process to start without having a fitness routine established which can safely extend know.

All this means, it's time to stop letting my feelings make my decisions.  Time to don the mantle of discipline and kick it in the rear.  At least get up and walk around the block!