Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today the sun is shining and I long to go for a run.  I don't know if I actually would go for a run if I were to be able to today this afternoon/evening, but right now I am mildly on fire!  Another thing of significance is that yesterday I longed to go on a run as well, and at a lesser intensity than today.  That means that since knocking out some excuses and praying about being able to overcome the difficulties of getting out the door, I have for two consecutive days desired to run and in increasing amounts.
Note that I still have not run, however.  There are good reasons for this, this time, and not lame excuses (although there might have been lame excuses if there hadn't been great reasons, you never know).  Yesterday I headed home from work, had a quick dinner with j.p., orchestrated a messy schedule, picked up some peeps and headed off to church, then did the after church drop off just in time to get "the cats" rounded up with all of their stuff and get them shipped out the door (oh finally, this glorious day - I suppose there's no place for this story in this blog today).  By the time all of this was done, it was 9:30 and time to sit and try to wear off the accidental overdose of my anti-migraine medication.  So while I don't expect I would have run, I'm not even going to suggest I could have.  As for today, I have two classes, one starting just as I get off of work and the other starting half hour after the first one ends.  I get home between 9:30 and 10:00, and am not willing to dress for a run when I should be dressing for bed.  I do not feel this is unreasonable by any measure.

I have a morning bed addiction which I have been meaning to face, but which addiction.   I fight with the idea of getting up early for running vs. getting up early for time with Jesus and do neither.  I truly do believe what is stated in Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  ("all these things" being things we eat, things we drink, things we wear, as stated in verse 31 just prior, referring to the things we need for healthy living).  Living according to this, I would like to get up early to seek God and make that relationship my #1 priority and let Him add running unto me, which I know He will do.  But, you know, bed addiction.  Maybe we'll talk more about this later.