Friday, February 19, 2010

Dissecting A Large Excuse

How does an excuse become so powerful when the thing the excuse is suppressing is such a coveted thing?  I sacrifice all that I want physically in exchange for the power to sit on my arse and do nothing.  What?  It's not like I can't still sit on my arse and do nothing later, after a lil workout, so...what's the problem?  And what's the pull of sitting on my arse and doing nothing anyway?  I don't particularly like it.  It does feel pretty good, but so does running, even the hurting part (when it happens to hurt) - no, I really do like it, plus my ego likes it.  Anyway, it boggles my mind.

Right now I'm going to guess at the wonderful reasons I won't run tonight:
1) I'm not sure where my Nike+ shoe insert thingy is.
2) Since I don't have Nike+ shoes, I have to rig the insert thingy up in a certain way, and since its been so long since I've run with it, I don't remember how to do so comfortably.
3) Not exactly sure of my iPod's location.
4) Not sure if my iPod is fully charged.
5) Have a Bible reading application on my iPod that is loaded with the songs and interrupts the songs periodically to read the entire Bible - very annoying.
6) Would have to get dressed for a run.
7) Might have to decide whether to eat dinner first or wait.

Alright, this is embarrassingly nitpicky and nonstop.  Since we get the gist, I'll quit recording the humiliation.  However, I can see that I am clearly setting myself up with an impossible situation.  If I am to satisfy all of my conditions before embarking upon a run, especially with no pre-thought or preparation, a run will never happen.  I am a tricky devil!

Let me experiment.
Experiment #1:  Temporarily remove Nike+ and iPod from running experience (until I can get them under control). 
Wow, there go my first 5 excuses!  I'm sure I could easily replace those 5 with 5 more, but the point is, the excuses are just that, EXCUSES.  Stupid, imagined blockades I use.  "I use"?  Ouch.