Tuesday, April 6, 2010

r.p. and L&R

Ahhh, the life of a person with a running partner!

We have had three great runs so far, although Nike+ didn't give us credit for the first one (forgot to hit "Done" or something; I don't even hate Nike+ for this, due to extreme gratitude for my running partner).  We have run a little over a half hour each time, and it has just...flowed. 

We meet in a well-lit and large subdivision which is between both of our houses, but far enough that we have to drive.  Unexpectedly, the drive there and home has been very pleasurable and of some use.  When the alarm goes off, my mind tells me I need to get out of bed "to go meet r.p.", not "to go run".  I get dressed, get in the car, turn on the heat and the radio, and take off for a drive instead of taking off for a run.  So far, pretty easy!  When I get there, I see r.p.'s shining face and am happy to be with her.  We get our warm gear on, start up the conversation, turn on fickle Nike+ and take off running together.  So far, oh so nice and easy.  The conversation makes the time just fly, as well as hides the difficulty, and I find myself wishing we had more time.  We finish up, stretch out, say goodbye and then I take a nice drive back home.  Wow, so easy, and I want to repeat it all soon!  r.p. has expressed the same sentiment, and is so excited to be out running!

Oh hey, we just now made another arrangement for tomorrow morning.  I'm excited!

Tonight p.j. and I start facilitating a small group in the Love & Respect class at church.  It's a married people's thing.  We went through it last year and found it to be absolutely essential to our marriage and caused us to be totally changed in ourselves and our marriage - for the better.  Immensely better.  Life sure did take a turn, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.