Finally, far off in the distance, I could see something that resembled the Jeep enough for me to peg my hopes on it. I had paced my run faster than normal, just because of the possibility p.j. would probably show up before I had my half hour in, so I wanted my run time to count. It was the Jeep, oh mercy in heaven! But I was actually only at 36 minutes and I felt pretty great, so what's the big trauma?
Enter mind games. The plan was: I run straight out into the countryside on a specified road and p.j. would leave the shop 'soon' and come home via that specified road, picking me up and giving me a ride home. However, I had no idea how long before he would actually meet me for the pick up.
Before the half hour had passed, I worried that he would arrive before I had a good run in. I worried that I wasn't going fast enough to make it count. I was worried that I was going too fast to be able to keep going for an unknown amount of time. After the 30 minutes had passed, I was worried that he wouldn't arrive soon enough. I was worried that I was running too fast for too long. I was worried that slowing down would ruin my overall pace and train me to slow down as a run progresses. I was worried that he wouldn't show up. I was worried that I would have to end my run and walk, in a running skirt, down a lonely country road - vulnerable.
It took me about 33 of those 36 minutes to figure out that I was in my first set of real running mind games. As much as I was exercising my body, I was exercising my mind, expanding my will. Alright. Good. Okay. I just wished I would have thought of that earlier.
Yesterday's goal planning and realization was successful:
- Goal: Use the camera. For taking pictures.
Yes, that is our dandelion infestation.
I also shot p.j., dirty from the shop, starting up the mower. By now you probably don't need proof, but I want to show anyway:
Start 'er up, p.j.!
So happy to be mowing. Er...
- Goal: Run solo at every chance. Even if it's just a mile or two.
- Goal: Set up time to daily seek the face of God.
- Goal: Get back on track with 3 quarts a day.
I also watched Austin finish off Modern Warfare II last night, though it was very late. He actually invited us up to the ghetto room for it. Coo. :)
One more, since I'm on a roll (and a bit narcissistic). Taken in my office abouuuut...20 minutes ago:
Don't mind the cord/cord cover, just look at how the clothes match the tattoo. Sweet shoes, too.