Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Detective Work and More Nike + Woes

"Tap tap tap tap."  It's 3:30 a.m., why is someone tapping on our bedroom window?  Since I assume a burglar or murderer wouldn't announce his/her presence before breaking and entering, I'm not too alarmed.  I do, however, call out, "p.j., someone is knocking on the window!"  p.j. is still snoring, so it looks like I will have to be the brave knight (or the stupid horror movie chick).  I pull the blind aside and scan the very dark back yard.  Nothing.  Wait a minute, we always leave the porch light on, so why is the back yard so dark?  This will take further investigation, although I already suspect a.h.'s friends are beckoning him to sneak out, but are mistaken about the correct bedroom window.

I quietly leave the bedroom, pause to listen for the would-be escapee, hear nothing, and tiptoe down the hallway in my underwear.  I peek around the corner to look out the back patio door without being seen (do other people close their privacy curtains?).  Curses, someone has left the over-the-stove light on!  I can see nothing out the window. 

I consider for a while, then make a mad panty dash past the patio door for the light.  I quickly turn it off, then dash to the window before the poor kiddos have time to recover from the streaking.  Peering out, I see nobody moving.  I run to the front to be sure they haven't gone around.  Nobody there.  Back to the back door.  It's time to expose the culprits, so I flick the back porch light on.  Still nothing!  I watch intently for the slightest movement, but they are so still that I can see nothing.  There are spots of deep shadow they could be hiding in, or they could simply be around the sides of the house. 

After considering poking around out in the yard in my underwear, I reject the idea and simply stand watch for about 5 minutes, sure they will come out and reveal themselves.  Still no sound from a.h. upstairs and the doors are locked, so I assume he either hasn't awoken or is still hiding upstairs.  The buggers stand still so I finally give up and go back to bed.

A while later I hear it again!  Again I say, "p.j.!  They're tapping at the window!"  He rolls over and says, "Noooo, I'm kicking the wall." Right back to sleep.


Despite my rude nocturnal awakenings, I was up again at 5:00 a.m. to be at my r.p. running spot by 5:30.  I sort of feel like a rock star.  We had another good run, but Nike + felt it was time to hose me again, so it recorded less than half of the run.  Lovely.  I'm pretty mad at it today, because r.p. and I ran the farther than previously.  I guess we don't know how far though, since Nike +...ok, grumble grumble!

I'm wondering if the sleep button on the sensor is somehow getting pushed inside my shoe.  I have a new method planned for our next run.  Well, it's narrowed down to a few methods based on a little research.  I will have to remember to keep looking at the time progress as we run (which I HATE doing) to be sure it still agrees with me that I am running, as it doesn't warn that it has stopped until two minutes after it has stopped.  That means for each stoppage, there's two minutes of time and distance not recorded - that is, if you are using headphones and happen to hear the warning.  This morning I didn't hear it either time, so I lost a bunch more time and distance before noticing it had stopped.  Real bummer.

I'll let you know how the new method works, or if I lose my sense (-e +or) altogether.